Monday, August 1, 2016

Reflection #87: A Confluence of Communiques

           As I mused about the next “reflection” subject, I received a  confluence of 3 communiqués from school.  The first was an invitation to the Saint Ignatius College Prep Claver Society Summer Soiree honoring Arthur J. Reliford Sr., class of ’72.   I didn’t know Art very well when he was a student, but other teachers, notably Fr. Link, talked of him in glowing terms.  I got to know Art better in the mid-‘80’s when he came back to Ignatius to teach science.  While he was teaching, he was also working diligently for the betterment of his community on the near southwest side.  I became even better acquainted with him when he volunteered to help me coach tennis in the mid-90’s.  Since then it has been my honor to have known him, worked with him and called him my friend. In the late ‘90’s, Art left Ignatius and eventually became the principal of Hales Franciscan High School.
            The second communiqué was a phone call from John Tucci, class of ’15, asking for some assistance in publicizing the expansion of the Monogram Club.  John, who is a college student, has been working during the summer with Pat Singler, in charge of Constituent Relations.   When I asked John for a “policy statement”, this was his response:   The slogan for the Monogram Club is “COME BACK TO THE PACK!”  The Monogram Club aims to foster enduring relationships among current and former athletes, parents, and friends of SICP to perpetuate the legacy and rich tradition of Saint Ignatius Athletics.  We will host several social events during home games throughout the year to show our pride and support for current athletes. In addition to this, we will provide you with season updates on current athletic teams. All members of the Saint Ignatius Family are invited to participate in any of our events, or programs. Whether you are a former athlete, a parent or a friend of SICP, we have something for everyone.  Learn more today by visiting
            I think this is a grand idea.
            Finally. Ryan Bergin posted an article written by Justin Breen, a reporter for DNAinfo, about Tom O’Hara, Ignatius class of 1960.  The point of the article was that Tom, Chicago’s greatest miler, was the “forgotten hero”.  In the article, Breen points out that O’Hara “became the first Illinois runner to break the 4-minute barrier, clocking a 3:59.4 in 1963.  He set the indoor mile world record at Chicago Stadium on March 4, 1964, with a 3:56.4 — a mark he held until 1974.”

            That article prompted me to remember some other great Ignatius athletes of that era…the early 60’s.   In my next “Reflection”, I will recall some of the other Ignatius athletic “greats” and their coaches from the 60’s.