Sunday, October 26, 2014

Reflection #68 (Only 1008 to go): Varia

            Yesterday, Sunday, October 19th, Father Michael Caruso, S.J., took his final vows at Holy Family Church.   In case you’re not familiar with this event, some period of time after Jesuits are ordained, they are invited by a superior to prepare for their final vows by entering a period of tertianship.  During this time, the priest or brother studies the foundation documents of the society and makes a 30-day silent retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises.
            Afterward, the Jesuit will pronounce “final vows” which include repeating his vows of poverty, chastity and obedience.   I can recall, when I started teaching at Ignatius  (Sept. 62), much was made of the fact that Jesuits took a 4th vow, usually a special vow of obedience to the pope.
            Congratulations, Fr. Caruso. 

            Over the last month, I’ve attended 5 reunions at 1076.  Toward the end of September, the class of 1964 celebrated their 50-year reunion.  This past Saturday evening (October 18), the classes of ’69, ‘74, ’79 and ’84 celebrated their reunions.  I had a special incentive to be there because my daughter and my daughter-in-law were in the class of ’84.
            I’ve said it before, but I really enjoy attending reunions.  Reminiscing about events, good and bad, that occurred when they (and I) were younger, catching up on how things are going now and sharing the feelings of the impact that we all had on each other. 
            The class of ’64 also had special significance for me, since it was the first “golden” anniversary class with students I had taught.  I attended the Friday evening portion of their celebration and Father George Lane said Mass on Saturday evening.  I’m pretty sure that we were the only two teachers from their era to attend.  So many of their teachers have either gone to their eternal reward, or are too old to make the trip.  (For the record, I was 22 when I taught them as sophomores, so I’m just making it under the wire.)

            And speaking of former teachers of a “certain age”, I still visit Frank Raispis every other week.  Frank is in good health and still mentally sharp.  I make that last point, because, at 87 years old, he still has the same great outlook on life and his fortunes, good and bad, that he has always had.  Though, ideally, Frank would have loved to have attended the ’64-reunion, his lack of mobility would not allow it, so a video was made of him addressing the class members in attendance.

           Finally, some members of the class of '63 are going to host an event to celebrate Fr. Joseph Bowen, SJ's contributions to the survival of our beloved institution.  Father was a member of the class of '63 and served as the president of Ignatius through the 2nd half of the '70's.  He is credited with the Bob Hope Benefit in 1976 and making the decision to go co-ed in 1979.  Stay tuned for further information on this celebration.

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